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Great Egret Bird Original Oil Painting


"Great Flight"

31 x 31 inches.

Unframed, gallery edges.


Donated to Soi Dog Foundation for auction

The method used to create this image sets it apart from every painting you have ever seen - except for my "Out For a Stroll" painting which was created the same way.  Living by the California beaches for over 25 years, I discovered places where natural clay outcrops were revealed by the crashing waves.  Each of the outcrops were a different color and texture.  I gathered clay from 4 or 5 different sites and sifted and smoothed the material.  I added glue to them and applied them to the wood panel to create a mottled effect.  Once the clay dried, it was permanently adhered to the board.  Over this rich, natural, organic surface, I painted this ghostly white bird on the rich dark natural background.




Great Flight

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